School Superintendents are saving our butts. They’re closing schools around the country to help contain the spread of COVID-19. Kudos! Also local governments, state governments, recreation districts, theaters, etc. National — HUGE FAIL! The Sidekick — Pence — who had a HUGE FAIL with the HIV epidemic in Indiana — perfect guy for the job! Great failureship skills. Being groomed as the scapegoat. By our HUGE FAIL at the top — the Captain of the Ship of State — Orangy Porngy. (What a guy!)
If we want real leadership during this crisis, we should put a School Superintendent in charge. Pick any one at random. They’ll have attention to detail, actually listen to advice, and have the best interests of the community at large.
On Friday the 13th, schools closed here in Denver. A couple closed before Friday (when a couple of parents tested positive). Then they said: "Kids, have a great Spring break. We’re giving you an extra two weeks off! Yipee!" It was subtle, but that’s a three-week closure. Stay tuned, folks, it could be longer.
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